Random thoughts

Idk why but when I right the posts I have indents but when they show up on my blog there are no indents. Again idk why. also the begining over the story is at the bottom so don't read the top post because that would just be a bit confuzzling (confusing and puzzling combined).

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I have nothing to say except that in a small room if the walls and floor are wood it wood look like a log cabin.
As it turned out Jack had been gathering food. So they ate and then where off again. Jack had given Mist a ‘home’ command and Mist had trotted away. Apparently heading for New York.
"So Taylor, where were you kidnapped from? Maybe I could help you find your way back." Jack offered as they sat for a noon rest.
"When I was kidnapped I was sharing a cabin outside Anchorage, Alaska with a family of nine… What?" Jack had frozen and was now looking at him with fear popping like popcorn in his eyes.
"I am not taking you there or even showing you where it is. Do something good for yourself and NEVER go back there. They only board families there so just go back to your real home. Where is that?"
"Wait. First tell me why I should never go back there."
"… Fine. You should never go there because they work for this company. I don't know the name but let me tell you from experience that this company is bad news. They work with genetic stuff. The building you where in was just a holding area out of who knows how many. You see, now they test on animals and people. Don’t get involved in their trap. If I find out you did you’ll go strait to the gravvve.” Jack’s gaze focused on something behind them as he dropped the subject. Taylor looked and found a fat squirrel sitting on a tree stump. Something whizzed past his head and hit the squirrel in the eye, splattering blood everywhere. He turned and saw Jack holding a pistol. Where’d he get that? His messenger bag? Then why hadn’t he used it on Bill and Andrew? “Hitting them in the eye makes sure you don’t have to puncture the skin.” Jack said as he stood and picked up lunch (the squirrel).
I'll post again in a few days ... maybe ... hopefully ... probably not ...
P.S. this spell check doesn't know how to spell 'hadn't' can you believe that!?!

Friday, April 16, 2010

ok go rube goldberg

you have to check this YouTube video it's a rube Goldberg- a series of complicated actions that end in making a simple task happen and the only human interference is to start it- you can either go to YouTube and type in 'OK go rube Goldberg' or just use this web address http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w (i tried to upload it but it didn't work) ... so check out this awesome video!!!!

p.s. i don't understand the song ... the song is kind of stupid in my opinion

Saturday, April 10, 2010

sorry i have not posted in a while but i had this pinball game on here and it made it so i had to get on on a different computer and delete it ... i hated it anyway because it would show a ton of adds before you could play the game. so that's gone and i guess all is well.


Taylor woke to silence. He looked around in panic. Where was Jack? Had he abandoned Taylor and left him to die? He stood breathless. Wait… That was the sound of footsteps! Was it Jack, Bill, Andrew, or a wild beast that had came to eat him for breakfast!?! The sound stopped. Then there was a screech and a giant brown cat that looked like a lion without a mane leapt out of the shadows at him. He screamed and ran down the tunnel. Running blind, and screaming like a banshee Taylor ran into something that grabbed him by the shoulders. Taylor struggled and looked up to see dark blue eyes glowing through the heavy darkness at him.
"Oh! Whoa! Hey! Dude stop! It's me. Dude it me Jack… OK? You good? Now tell me. What happened!?!"
"I-I-I w-w-woke up and y-y-you were g-g-gone. T-t-then a-a-a giant b-b-brown CAT came after me!"
"Mist," he growled under his breath.
"Who?" Taylor asked
"Tell yeah later. Lets go." Taylor started walking then Jack grabbed his shoulders again and softly said: "This way," turning him around.
It took a lot longer to get back to fall opening than it seemed to run from it. Taylor was thinking about what Jack had said and how his eyes glowed in the dark. What did he mean by 'Mist'? Who was 'Mist' anyway, and why where Jack's eyes glowing? He saw light up ahead. Then he and Jack where out of the shadows and looking at the cat that yawned and thumped it's tail on the rock floor with out standing from it's lazy laying position.
Taylor looked at Jack and was shocked to see Jack's expression. Jack was looking PROUDLY at the cat! He went over and knelt down by it and started PETTING it!?! What the heck was going on here!?!
"Why you ol' rascal. I thought I left you back at New York." Jack said proudly. "Yeah, Mist, you my boy. You take after your mother." There wasn't just a hint of sadness but his voice was also filled with pain. "You thought Taylor here was an intruder so he was lunch, didn't you. Well, he's not. K?" The cat NODDED YES! "Good. OK bub go say sorry like you should have already." 'Mist' came up to him then put his front paws on Taylor's shoulders and licked his face with a HUGE slobbery pink tongue.
"Dude you are truly the weirdest person in the world." Taylor said wiping the spit and slobber off his face, smiling.
"Trust me. You do not know the half of it. So Taylor looks like you just meet Mist the mountain lion,” said Jack trying not to go into another laughing fit.


I'm righting ch 6 but I'm a bit stuck on ideas so maybe you could comment and give we something to work with.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

here you go

Taylor woke to silence. He looked around in panic. Where was Jack? Had he abandoned Taylor and left him to die? He stood breathless. Wait… That was the sound of footsteps! Was it Jack, Bill, Andrew, or a wild beast that had came to eat him for breakfast!?! The sound stopped. Then there was a screech and a giant brown cat that looked like a lion without a mane leapt out of the shadows at him. He screamed and ran down the tunnel. Running blind, and screaming like a banshee Taylor ran into something that grabbed him by the shoulders. Taylor struggled and looked up to see deep clear ocean blue eyes glowing through the heavy darkness at him.
"Oh! Whoa! Hey! Dude stop! It's me. Dude it me Jack… Ok? You good? Now tell me. What happened!?!"
"I-I-I w-w-woke up and y-y-you were g-g-gone. T-t-then a-a-a giant b-b-brown CAT came after me!"
"Mist," he growled under his breath.
"Who?" Taylor asked
"Tell yeah later. Lets go." Taylor started walking then Jack grabbed his shoulders again and softly said: "This way," turning him around.
It took a lot longer to get back to fall opening than it seemed to run from it. Taylor was thinking about what Jack had said and how his eyes glowed in the dark. What did he mean by 'Mist'? Who was 'Mist' anyway, and why where Jack's eyes glowing? He saw light up ahead. Then he and Jack where out of the shadows and looking at the cat that yawned and thumped it's tail on the rock floor with out standing from it's lazy laying position.
Taylor looked at Jack and was shocked to see Jack's expression. Jack was looking PROUDLY at the cat! He went over and knelt down by it and started PETTING it!?! What the heck was going on here!?!
"Why you ol' rascal. I thought I left you back at New York." Jack said proudly. "Yeah, Mist, you my boy. You take after your mother." There wasn't just a hint of sadness but his voice was also filled with pain. "You thought Taylor here was an intruder so he was lunch, didn't you. Well, he's not. K?" The cat NODDED YES! "Good. Ok bub go say sorry like you should have already." 'Mist' came up to him then put his front paws on Taylor's shoulders and licked his face with a HUGE slobbery pink tongue.
"Dude you are truly the weirdest person in the world." Taylor said wiping the spit and slobber off his face, smiling.
"Trust me. You do not know the half of it. So Taylor looks like you just meet Mist the mountain lion,” said Jack trying not to go into another laughing fit.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a thing that i do, idk why, is that i put the last paragraph of the last chapter at the begining of the next chapter.
Motor Speed
ch. 2
Taylor had a harder time putting his life into the hands of Mother Nature. He stood on the edge looking down. Then turned and saw his own shock reflected in Bill and Andrew's faces. The guys recovered their shock and leaped at Taylor making him stumble over the edge after Jack.
Taylor felt the air making his eyes water as the first of the fall started. He prayed to God that if this was the end that he please make it quick and painless. Then he felt a jarring force as he suddenly stopped falling. He looked down to see that he was only half way down the fall. Then all of a sudden he was pulled back through the fall. As he was roughly dumped on the ground he looked to see Jack standing next to him in the dark cave that they were in.
"Remind me never to do that with somebody as heavy as you ever again." Jack said rubbing his shoulder and smiling. He turned and looked down the tunnel that seemed to go on forever in never ending darkness. Pulling a flashlight out of his messenger bag he looked at Taylor in concern. "You ok? You look a bit frazzled." Taylor's jaw dropped. He had been kidnapped, met Jack, the weirdest kid in the world, been chased after by maniacs, fallen off a waterfall/almost DIED, and Jack thought he looked A BIT FRAZZLED! What did this guy do for a living? Jump off cliffs and live in the woods?
"Dude, what is up with you!?! I just about died out there and you think I look a bit frazzled! Do you even have a plan to get us out of here? Cause I'll tell you some thing I am NOT going back out in to that waterfall! And you know what else-” Taylor froze. He had finally had enough sense to look and see how Jack was taking it.
"Well, well, well. Looks like I picked myself up a mr. smarty pants." Jack growled looking irritable, but with a strangely calm voice for the way his eyes were glowing with their amber anger. "You really think I don't know a way out of here don’t you? I can't believe this. If there was really no way out of here then why would I chose this spot to get rid of those goofs. I know a way out buuut," he said as he walked over to the fall and dropped their only flashlight into it. “If your gonna act that way then I'll just leave you here. I can find my way out of here blind. But you on the other hand don't know nothin'. So what now mr. smarty pants!" Then he went and sat down across from Taylor.
Taylor stood fran-dazzled by what Jack had just done. He was shocked to put it simply. Now what was he going to do? Taylor almost speechless finally got the courage to say: "I'm sorry, Jack. I've just been under a lot of stress lately" Jack looked him over like he did the first time they met.
"It's okay, dude. We'll sleep here tonight.” He said gruffly after a while.
"Okay." Taylor said quietly with a hint of tiredness in his voice.
so ya. ... I have this soup it's like 'White Garden' or something and, again idk why, it reminds me of Motor Speed. It's weird.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

In this section Jack is introduced and as you read it you can tell I played with him a lot.

Taylor ran till his lungs burned and ached for oxygen. Breathing hard he leaned on a tree and bent over feeling like he was going to vomit. A shadow moved. He only notices it because fear had sharpened his senses. He looked one way nothing, looked the other and he jumped. There was a boy there.
The boy was looking at Taylor lazily with dark blue eyes with amber flecks barely covered by his shaggy jet-black hair. The rugged kid was wearing a red T-shirt, ragged looking blue jeans, some black tennis shoes, and a black cameo messenger bag dangling by his side. The kid blinked slowly, yawned, looked Taylor up and down and then patted him on the back with a lean well-muscled arm.
"Yep, they run ya pretty hard." Said the strange kid, who looked about 19. "Name's Jack. I normally would ask you your name buuut they're coming. Hey! Don't start getting panicky on me! I know how to get rid of them. Don't you even think for one second about asking questions though." Then he jogged off slowly accelerating his speed.
Who was this kid? How did he know they were coming? How will he lose them? How did he know about them at all? Why and how is he here? Taylor thought as he followed Jack. He looked at Jack, who was running in a way that made him think of a wolf. Wolves run at an easy lope that makes it so they can travel on for hours and that seemed to be what Jack was doing because he seemed to not be breathing hard at all. So Taylor swung his gate into the same as Jack's and was surprised to find that he was right.
"So what’s your name now that we're putting some space between us and the lunatics?"
"Taylor Landings."
“Isn’t Taylor a girls name…?”

Soon Jack slowed his gate and started walking. So Taylor did the same then scouted around a bit. When he came back Jack was crouched on the very end of the land and was looking over the edge. Taylor crawled up next to him not taking a chance of falling over. Below them was a waterfall, covered with a blanket of mist, coming out of the ground beneath them. Their hair was being played with by the wind as Jack stood up only an inch from the edge. He turned and looked at Taylor, a cold dead serious look in his eyes.
"Now you gotta do every thing I say. Got it?" He asked sternly. Taylor nodded his head yes, too scared of Jack’s eyes to speak. "Good, 'cause not doing what I say could mean death for one or both of us, but most likely me then you because they H-A-T-E hate me. Don't ask why. So, no matter what, you will do as I say. NO MATTER WHAT!! OK?" Taylor nodded yes again, chilled with fear by the way Jack had emphasized it. "Good. OK. Get ready; they are coming. This is where we lose ‘em!"
Taylor froze. If this was the point they lost them then where would they go? He looked at Jack. He was looking straight at the forest, then closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. When he opened his eyes slowly, again he turned and looked at Taylor with his deep glowing amber eyes… Wait! Jack's eyes were supposed to be BLUE. Startled, Taylor shook his head then looked at Jack's eyes again. Yes they HAD turned amber and were glowing like an excited wildfire. Jack's head snapped back to looking at the forest then he crouched again with his heels over the edge. Now Taylor understood what Jack had meant about 'this is where we lose them.' Then there was a rustle of bushes.
"Quiet! Your gonna scare him off and then he'll take the kid with him! Then we will have lost both of them! Got it?"
"Yeah I got it but I think they know we're here. Don't give me that look! I know you can't see, but I can and they are both looking at us… You're right! Let's get them!"
Bill and Andrew charged out and trapped the boys on the peninsula jutting out above the falls. Taylor took a double take at Jack and was surprised by what he saw. Jack was still crouched on the edge, the soles of his feet over it. His eyes where now closed and he was saying something under his breath. He opened his eyes. They where a deep glowing amber of anger, enraged that the double goofball trouble would even think of going against him, Jack looked up at the men. Then he stood slowly and snarled at Bill and Andrew like a wolf.
"Jump,” he said quietly but sternly and with that one word of command Jack jumped lightly back and disappeared into the misty waterfall.
Taylor had a harder time putting his life into the hands of Mother Nature. He stood on the edge looking down. Then turned and saw his own shock reflected in Bill and Andrew's faces. The guys recovered their shock and leaped at Taylor making him stumble over the edge after Jack.


That's the end Chapter one.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

This is where Motor Speed continues from the last blog I posted.



Taylor blinked his blond hair out of his light brown eyes. He looked around the dark barren room. The floor that he was on was cold and moist. Everything had a greenish hue to it and there was one barred window that cast the only light. Trying to stand up made him feel dizzy, so he leaned against the wall with a skinny arm, but quickly withdrew, stumbled back and fell. The walls had a sticky, squishy, spongy feeling to them. Taylor stood again feeling less dizzy, then the heavy thick wooden door flew open and two men came in arguing.
"I didn't know that they had another family with another kid with them! It wasn't in the file I was given Bill!" Said the first guy as he started toward Taylor.
Thinking quickly he ducked under the man's arms. Swirling around the next he went thundering down the hall. Taylor ran down the twisted confusing halls while listening for the sound of pursuit. Quickly running into the next hall he skidded trying to stop but ran right into the arms of the men he had just ditched. He put on a look that told the men to back off. Bill looked at the first dude with a grim expression on his face, and then they both started laughing their heads off. Taylor smiled a devise smile at their foolishness and hit his head on the man's neck, which was holding him. The guy cried out in pain and started gagging then keeled over.
"Andrew! You OK? That's it kid," Bill said turning to him. “You are sooo dead!"
"Am I? Am I really?" Taylor said with a slowly growing grin, folding his arms over his chest. "Cause, you know, how ya gonna know where to find me?"
"With this," he said holding up a tracking devise. Taylor grabbed it, ran down the halls and was quickly out of sight.
He looked at the gizmo. There was a map of the halls and blinking red dot that he guessed was himself. He slowly made his way down the halls following the map to what looked like it was suppose to be an exit. There was a round of stairs there; he went up them and through the door at the top. A cold chill met him going through his thin ragged blue tee shirt and thin jeans quickly chilling him to the bone. He ran to the cover of the woods without even looking at the building that had held him captive.
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